A little bit of a soapbox moment there...ahem.
So where am I going with this? Somewhat of a different direction...I was going to talk about some things I would like to accomplish before 2011 is over. Now, for a disclaimer, these are not my spiritual goals. These are here and now things to accomplish. My spiritual goals will not change. I will always be striving to be more like Jesus, to be closer to God and love Him more, to gain a deeper understanding of the Word of God, and to love my fellow man better.
No, these are just earthly goals, in no particular order.
1. Take a music theory class
Being a piano teacher, I feel like a refresher would be helpful as my students get more advanced.
What have I done towards this goal?
I have contacted the local tech college and asked about auditing the class. I don't need the credit. All I need to do is set aside the money and sign up.
2. Begin to sell some of my handiwork
As you can see from my previous post, I have already started doing this. It is really exciting to see so quickly that people are interested.
What have I done towards this goal?
I continue to knit as fast as I can and I'm setting aside the profits from the sales and will use that to buy more supplies. I will be updating how things are going. I plan to approach a local natural, organic baby items shop in West Asheville about maybe consigning my products in addition to having them at the Farmers Market. I need to get up a good supply first.
3. Get my drivers license
It's about time. That's all I have to say about that.
What have I done towards this goal?
My parents and I have researched the options and decided on our game-plan. I am biting the bullet and will make the payments to add me to their policy starting in June. That's also when my learners permit expires. In the meantime, I have been driving a lot more than I used to and it is getting better. Everyone who has ridden with me says I drive well, it just doesn't feel that way sometimes.
4. Continue to improve my jogging/overall health
Mom and I have been doing a running program since last fall. With the winter weather, we lost some of the progress we had worked so hard for.
What have I done towards this goal?
Gotten back to where we were before winter made us stop jogging. 30 minutes a day, Monday through Saturday. I need to find a good pedometer and once I do, I'll work on going faster/farther.
5. Learn Chopin's Nocturne in E Minor
This piece is the last one I learned back when I took lessons. But I never completed it. Now I have mostly forgotten it.
I remember it being very therapeutic when I was going through I pretty difficult time in my life.
What have I done towards this goal?
Well, another goal which takes precedence over this one is learning all the choir music in the next two weeks. So I haven't done anything towards the Chopin piece goal yet.
So, after the choir concert, it will be a pleasure to work on this one all summer long.
6. Take a cooking or baking class
For the past year I have wanted to take the bread baking class (because I love to bake) or the soup class (because I don't love to cook) at the local tech college. It is rather pricey and it wasn't a priority, so it hasn't happened yet. So, hopefully this fall I'll have the funds available to take one of the other. Or maybe a totally different one.
What have I done towards this goal?
Gawked at the prices of the courses.
7. Memorize Catechism/Gain a better understanding of Theology
The church I attend believes in catechizing the children, (and those of us who were not taught it as children) which means teaching them the doctrines of Christianity. This is a regular part of our church service. We work on about 5 questions at a time until most of us have learned them. We say them at home, but I haven't learned them. It's a lot to remember. If I would just dedicate a little of my time each day, I would be able to get them down. And when I'm learning the catechism, I am studying and learning Theology.
What have I done towards this goal?
Nothing yet. But my plan is to copy down the questions and answers on index cards and practice them everyday.
8. Start teaching a few more piano students
Once I get my drivers license, that will free me up to offer to come to the students instead of them having to come to me. This would double, maybe even triple, the amount of students I could teach.
I would like to add at least 3. Then I would be back to the number I had a few years ago.
Then, with more students, a recital would make more sense. Maybe we could do one at the end of the year?
What have I done towards this goal?
I'm working on getting my license and I am starting to ask around to see if anyone is interested.
9. Write on my blog regularly--hence Thoughtful Thursday
I've written before about my desire to develop the skill of writing some. I don't fancy myself to be any kind of gifted or prolific writer, but I would like to practice putting words to my thoughts and feelings. To be able to share what I'm learning in life in a more understandable way.
What have I done towards this goal?
I've made an effort to write everyday about whatever topic is on my mind and, as you see, have written two Thursdays in a row!
I'm not going to number this one because it's somewhat out of my hands and I don't expect to accomplish it by the end of the year.
To marry and have a family.
Now some of you might say, and some of you have, "Well, get out there and meet some fellas!"
But see, that goes against my understanding of Scripture.
Scripture presents the idea that men pursue and women respond,
not necessarily in so many words, but by the way maleness and femaleness is presented.
But this isn't an explanation of why dating isn't really biblical or why courtship is more so.
This is simply to say that this is a goal I hope and pray to accomplish sometime in my life and
so my real goal is to trust God to bring it about.
To refer again to the 'Parable of the Talents', I am seeking to be faithful in the small things, so that one day I might have the opportunity to be faithful in larger things.
I love God because He first loved me and my ultimate goal for my life is to "do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with {my} God." Micah 6:8b
That, o man(or woman), is what God requires of us.